Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy Wednesday!!  Another sunny day here in Indiana.  I've posted some pictures of the quilt I completed for Nancy J's quilt shop in Wabash, Indiana.  Nancy will be heading to the Columbus, Ohio  quilt show next week, so I wanted to have this quilt ready for her to hang in her booth.  I love quilting on "happy" quilts and this quilt delivered a smile on my face.  Don't you just love color?

Happy Anniversary to me well actually my quilting service Blessed Quilting.  Today is the 11th anniversary of Blessed Quilting.  I'm not sure how many quilts I've quilted since June 6, 2001, but I know first and foremost God has been with me every step of the way.  I would like to thank all of the beautiful ladies who have allowed me to quilt their quilts for them these past 11 years.  As I have always said when Blessed Quilting was still in the planning stage I didn't factor in all of the special friendships I have made.  The world of quilting has opened many doors for me as I walk through life.  I am thankful for each joyful day I am allowed to quilt.

Blessings to all.


  1. Congratulations Marilyn on 11 years, had my 10th in Feb. God has been with me also on my journey and you are right about the friendships made, its a great occupation!

    1. Congrats to you as well, Jude. We really are lucky aren't we to be called longarm quilters. I still haven't figured out how to post the Liebster Award that you so graciously awarded me. Can you send me in the right direction to find this information? Thank you.
      Blessings to you.
