Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy 3 o'clock everyone!!  It is an absolutely gorgeous day here today.  The sun is shinging brightly, there is a slight breeze, the lake is calm except for an occasional boat and I wish I was outside.  But duty calls as I am finishing up a quilt by Jane O. 

I did run out briefly to take some pictures of some of the beautiful flowers and plants I received for Mothers Day from my family.  Perennials and annuals were given as gifts and each plant brings peace to me along with a smile as I gaze at God's beauty.  I can't pick a favorite flower or plant because each one of them is special to me.  I have one little yellow flower blooming on  the plant in picturre #4.  This plant was given to me when my father passed away in 2001.  I can hardly believe that my Dad has been gone for almost 11 years.  The little yellow flowers will always make me think of my Dad.

My rose bush is a bounty of beauty.  There might be 75-100 blooms out on this bush right now.  I could smell the sweet scent of these roses this morning as I was standing outside on the deck above the roses.  I am blessed. 

Don't forget to stop and smell the roses.

Blessings to all.


  1. Marilyn..I have been recently chosen to nominate 5 people for the Liebster Award. The Liebster award recognizes smaller blogs with a following of less than 200 followers. I enjoy reading your blog so I would like to nominate you! Congratulations

    1. That is so kind of you, Jude. Thank you very much. I try to write from my heart and to share God's beauty. My love for longarm quilting is in part because of the special friendships with my quilters. They are all such special ladies. Each of them has a story to share and I have learned so much about life because of them. Thank you again for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Blessings.
