Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thursday already?  I'm on my third scheduled quilt for the week and I've posted a few pictures.  Doris W. (last three pictures) made the huge star quilt from an Eleanor Burns pattern.  Doris said the pattern went together fast, but I don't think I'd have the patience for this one.  The lucky recipient is Doris' granddaughter.  The next quilt I quilted was for Bobbi K.  Bobbi had some interesting material combinations mixing traditional with some modern fabrics.  Which made me quilt it the same way.  I like being challenged in choosing how to quilt a quilt and this quilt was a wonderful challenge.  Thanks Bobbi.  Great quilt!  Bobbi made this quilt for someone special.  Quilters are so happy to share. Don't you think?

I should be shutting my eyes and going to sleep, but I just can't resist spending some time reading the novel, "What if You Made It Up? by Kathleen Kolze.  As I posted before Kathleen is a quilting friend of mine who fulfilled one of her passions and published a book.  You can find information about Kathleen and her book and future books at

Good night and Blessings To All!

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