Monday, April 22, 2013

Greetings everyone.  I really haven't fallen off the face of the earth.  Life has shown me once again just how blessed I am.  God put his blessings on our family with my brother John having his eye surgery last week with a successful outcome.  I keep being reminded how blessed I am to be able to see, hear, walk, breath and have my family here.  In the last week two different families I know have been in car accidents and I am thankful that God's angels were with all involved and those friends are still here on this earth.  When I was eight years old my father was involved in a car accident.  He was hit by a drunk driver, yes even 52 years ago people were driving intoxicated.  God's angels were with my father that day and even though he had broken ribs, a sprained ankle, cuts requirying stitches, bumps, bruises, etc. he did recover.  But his accident left a life long fear in me and I always pause a breath when a friend or loved one is in an accident.  Life is so fragile and each moment is precious that we are allowed to be here on this earth.

I am ready for a quick lunch and then down to the quilting studio where beautiful quilts are awaiting my arrival.  I will post pictures this week of the lovely beauties that have been made so lovingly by their makers.  I can hardly wait to start quilting.

I will also add prayers to everyone who is traveling this week to Padudcah, Kentucky for the 29th Annual American Quilters Society show.  I am sad that I will not be attending, but that's okay I have beautiful quilts here that I will actually be able to touch since the white glove ladies aren't here.  I can touch these quilts that is as long as my hands are clean. Happy quilting/sewing everyone and have a great week.

Blessings to all.

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